Highschool DxD (Season 1) Anime Review
In the advent of Highschool DxD Hero (Season 4). I am dedicating the next 3 posts to the series. I will be reviewing each season of Highschool DxD and I'll be assessing my general thought on the anime and the Light Novel Series in General. Ultimately, to be honest, I want to try to convince you guys to read the Light Novel and not enrapt yourself in just the anime because truthfully, the essence of this series is in the Light Novels. Let me tell you this, Highschool DxD, is without a doubt my favorite series of all time. I tried to convince myself that there are better series like for example, Fate, but it just could not happen. I am so in love with the series that it has come to a point where it became rather incomprehensible. So, let's start with my review on the anime Highschool DxD (Season 1).
Highschool DxD is an ecchii, action oriented anime that follows a story about a human that is reincarnated by a devil. For those who don't know what an ecchii genre means, I suggest that you search it up online before watching DxD, because it is not safe for work. Anyway, the series follows a story about a highschool student named Hyoudo Issei, who is lewd and perverted beyond measure. Then one day, he just got reincarnated to a devil after he died on his first date and afterwards the story just follows his journey as a devil.
In Season 1, the story focuses more on the origin story of Issei. It also explains the basic rule of indulging yourself in DxD, which is the existence of Evil Pieces and the existence of the three main faction. It briefly explains the nature of Sacred Gears and the classes of the devils. I would say it's a great start towards the world of DxD.
What do I like about Season 1?
Season 1 of DxD introduced something really new to me. Let's be frank here. I first watch Highschool DxD because I was horny. Then you begin to search the internet for the best ecchii genre anime there is and almost every one recommends Highschool DxD? Why is that? That's simply because Highschool DxD, is one of the few ecchii genre that actually have a wonderful plot. Initially, I was there only for the "fun" stuff, you know what I mean, but eventually I realised how great of a story Highschool DxD really is. I would easily compare it to a typical shounen genre where the main protagonist need to fight his way up the ladder of a series of strong opponent, and that is the story if Issei. Many cases I see the story gets further developed and eventually I realised that I had already fell in love with the world of DxD.
The second aspect that is likable in DxD, is the amazing characters they possess. Hyoudou Issei is amazing! His character is extremely unique compared to other main protagonists of a shounen genre particularly because he is perverted beyond measure. His team, the Rias Gremory group are also a group of interesting individuals each with a well-described personality and powers. You can't help but to like each and every one of the characters in DxD. Even the antagonists are all unique individuals with their own unique backstory. Their character was also well explained throughout the anime, particularly Raiser Phenex.
I also like the fact that they do not abuse the ecchii genre. Highschool DxD, is revealing. In fact it is the most shameless anime I have watched. Yet at the same time, every time they do perform the NSFW materials, they do it with a purpose. Many times anime would just show breasts and clothes tearing apart merely as a fan service, however, they do have purpose here in Highschool DxD. All this is due to the nature of Hyoudo Issei. They are willing to commit to the genre and build it around their main protagonist that is Issei.
Last but not least, the best thing about Highschool DxD, is the world itself. If you have seen my reviews on any of the Fate series, I constantly said that I really like the idea of heroes from the past fighting against each other. Similarly, in Highschool DxD, entities from the bible fight against each other. It barely scratches the surface in Season 1, as they introduce the factions that are involved. However, it keeps you asking for more (and you'll get it eventually).
What do I not like about Season 1?
NOTHING!!! I'm just joking. No matter how much you like an anime, and no matter how good the critics say about the anime, it must have some flaw in one form or another. For Highschool DxD, I don't like the sheer amount of Shounen clichés it has. If you remove the ecchii aspect of Highshcool DxD, it will become your typical Shounen anime. Despite a very good plot, DxD has a lot of cliché moments. Some scenes just can become very predictable, particularly scenes that involves the main protagonist powering up to defeat the enemies.
The second point that lacks score would be the feeling of one-sided emotion. This is a common trend in Highschool DxD. Many emotions that includes the atmosphere of fun and fighting intensity is conveyed well. However when it comes to sadness and negative emotions, I am not really getting it from this Season. Furthermore, it's not exactly because sad moments are non-existent. It does exists, but I do think it's probably due to the nature of the genre, sadness and ecchii seems contradictory.
Thirdly, is the fact that this anime is an ecchii. Don't get me wrong, it is what defines the anime. However, due to the genre, and the amount of nudity in the anime, it sometimes hide the true value of the amazing plot this anime possess. It sometimes can be weird to see nipples popping up on your face without much explanation. Many times I really feel that people watch DxD because of this aspect instead of purely appreciating the story which is really good. This was the reason why I decided to read the Light Novels after finishing the three seasons of the anime because written in texts, the story is able to differentiate the moments more clearly.
Overall, I really love Highschool DxD (Season 1). I believe that it is a great start to a great series. It brings something new to me, and I myself could not believe that I will be enjoying an ecchii anime this much. Even sometimes I really feel embarrassed to talk about it. It took me a while to consider writing this review, but I have decided that I should really share my thoughts on the anime and why exactly do I love this series so much. As for a grade, I am giving this season an A, solid start for a great series.
From this point onwards.... SPOILER ALERT!!!
Alright, here comes the section I have been waiting for. You guys have no idea how much I want to discuss Highschool DxD. However, for this post, I will strictly keep it within the first season of the anime. I will not delve into the second or third season, moreover the Light Novels. I will try my very best to do so! So please, if you are interested in my further discussion of the first season, read on!
First Arc: Adapted from "Diabolos of the Old School Building"
Highschool DxD follows the story of Hyoudou Issei, a high school student who is perverted. Due to his perverted nature, he is rather unpopular among girls around his age, therefore when a girl from another school ask him on a date out of nowhere, he could not resist. His first date eventually result in his death when his "girlfriend" turns out to be a Fallen Angel who easily kill him with a spear of light. It was then when he met Rias Gremory, a high class devil whom he made a contract with, reincarnating him into a devil.
The story then continues with Issei working his way up to become a high class devil, where he do devil works. At some point of time he meets Asia, for which the encounter eventually results in a conflict with the Fallen Angels. It turns out that Issei actually possess a Sacred Gear during his time as a human, and it was brought with him when he reincarnated. It was also the reason why the Fallen Angel hunted him in the first place. The story goes even wilder afterwards as Issei tries to learn the power behind his Sacred Gear.
The first arc completes after the conflict with the Fallen Angel is resolved. Asia who was Issei's first friend of the opposite gender died during this conflict and she too was eventually reincarnated into a devil, becoming Rias's servant. It also ended with the revelation that Issei's Sacred Gear is actually one of the 13 Longinus, weapons that are powerful enough to kill a god, and that a dragon resides inside it. It is called the Boosted Gear.
My general feeling of the first arc was "wow". It was at this point of time where I realise that there's more from Highschool DxD than nudity and fan service. There was actually a plot here, and clearly you can see the world building well. I never had expected that an anime known for their NSFW materials can actually possess such an interesting world that involves Dragons, Devils and weapons known as the Sacred Gear. Immediately I know that I have to watch the entire season.
Second Arc: Adapted from "Phoenix of the Battle School"
This arc covers the second half of the anime and it introduces even more terms in the world of DxD. I would consider this as Rias's Arc as we actually get to see Rias's character to a greater depth. It started when a fella named Raiser Phoenix came around and was engaged to Rias. Rias tried so much to destroy this engagement, so much so that he tried to convince Issei to take her virginity. It was then when the term Rating Game was introduced, and it shows how the Evil Pieces are relevant. Evil Pieces are introduced in the first arc, it shows how the servants of Rias each represents a Chess Piece, with Issei being a pawn. It is a unique method to introduce a battle style unlike in any other Shounen.
Preparing for the Rating Game, Issei and the rest of Rias servants train in a summer house where they hone their skills further. Issei managed to improve the potential of his Boosted Gear and developed a perverted skill known as Dress Break which became a running joke even later in the series. He also managed to make contact with Ddraig, the dragon that sleeps inside his Boosted Gear. However, despite all the training, it was not enough to defeat Raiser who is just simply immortal. It was Issei's first heartbreaking defeat.
Issei then decided to crash Rias's engagement party after the loss, this time bringing a new power. He made another contract with Ddraig, sacrificing his left arm for 10 seconds of immense power. With this power he managed to fight Riaser, coupled with a few awesome tricks which made me in love of Issei's determination.
From this arc, I became in love with the characters, particularly Rias's servants. It was an arc full of character development while keeping a great plot. In this arc, you realise how likeable Rias is, as well as the rest of the character. You also learn how determination pushes Issei forward despite him being just a weak low-class devil. The plot itself is full of action. It is still one of the less complex plot we have in DxD but it is definitely one of the best.
Hyoudou Issei
Issei, usually simply called Ise by the other characters is, as I said before, a perverted high school student who was reincarnated by a devil after he died on his first date. I thought of Ise as a normal shounen character, someone who was weak yet have special powers. Of course the best way to develop such character is to put him into ordeals and watch him grow as he overcome these obstacles. This is they general formula, clichéd, yet very effective as we have seen it from many other shounens like One Piece and Naruto.
In the first arc, we get to see him as a person who cares for others particularly due to his relationship with Asia, a person whom he just met and yet he would do anything to save her. This aspect of him is further developed in the second arc, where he show care to people he consider as friends, which is basically his partners in Rias's peerage. It came to a point where he truly is willing to sacrifice everything for the people he considers friend. Now initially I think that, this is normal, this is what a shounen character are usually designed like. Well, it's true, but I do think that the reason why Ise cares for his friends so much, is because when he was human, he practically has no one he can consider as a friend (except for the two other perverted student). Therefore, when suddenly he was brought to a group, he gain a sense of belonging and is willing to protect the people that had welcomed him.
Rias Gremory
Rias is a character who first, I thought that she was just gonna be the eye catcher to the people watching. This is after all, an ecchii anime full of nudity. The thing is, it kind of started as such. In the first arc, Rias's role is more like a person who explains stuff to Ise and the viewers. Many times I also feel that she became the main highlight in terms of stripping naked and seducing Ise. However, this view changes after the second arc.
As I said, the second arc is Rias's arc and it gives us an immense character development for Rias. Instead of simply the poster girl, we actually learn something out of Rias. We begin to learn Rias's family background and how she felt overwhelmed being considered the sister of a maou. Rias also explicitly said that she desires a person who treat her as Rias instead of the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess or the Sister of Maou Lucifer.
We also learn how caring Rias is towards her servants, treating her not as a subordinate but more like a family. She personally trains all of her servants, particularly Ise for the battle against Raiser. Not only that, she cared so much for her servants that she was actually holding back all the rage and tears every time they fell in battle against Raiser. It became more prominent and significant when she witnessed the unconscious Ise still attempting to fight the immortal Raiser during the end of the Rating Game.
Also, by the end of the second arc, I do think it is the moment where we actually learn how Rias fell in love with Ise. Yes, initially she didn't really "care" for Ise, thinking of him as equal of the rest of her peerage. However, after the second arc, it was then when she fell in love with Ise after a show of immense determination from him. This also leaves you looking forward for the next season to find out more about their relationship.
Rias's Peerage
Since most of Rias's Peerage have not taken the spotlight in the first Season of DxD, I will just mention who they are. Maybe I will explain more on Asia because she playes a larger role in the first arc than the others.
1. Rias Gremory is the King of Rias's peerage. She is a High-Class Devil and is the sister of the Maou Lucifer.
2. Akeno Himejima is Rias's right hand. She is the vice-president of the Occult Research Club and is the Queen Piece in Rias's peerage. We have a glimpse of her character in season 1, with her being this older sister kind of character. She is extremely powerful in magic.
3. Koneko Toujou is the Loli in Highschool DxD. She is Rias's Rook and possess incredible strength despite her small body. She plays a minor role in both arcs being a supporting character in most cases and fought for Rias during the Rating Game.
4. Yuuto Kiba is Rias's Knight. He is this popular guy in the school and initially Ise hated him because of this attribute. Later, they became friends. Kiba possesses a Sacred Gear known as Sword Birth that allows him to create swords out of nothing. He is also a master swordsman.
5. Hyoudou Issei is Rias's only Pawn. Usually a peerage can have 8 pawns but Ise consumes all 8 pawn pieces, probably due to the immense strength of the Boosted Gear. He is well, the main character.
6. Asia Argento is Rias's Bishop. Asia plays a rather huge role in the first arc. She became Ise's first friend after he was reincarnated as a devil. Asia was called a heretic because she possesses a sacred gear known as Twilight Healing and she uses the healing power to heal a devil. She began working for the Fallen Angels but due to her kind nature, digs herself into trouble. Ise then works his way to save her from the Fallen Angel's grasp but it eventually causes her death. She was later reincarnated by Rias. Asia's role in the first season was becoming the source of problem in the first arc, but her character isn't fully developed yet.
From left: Rias Gremory, Xenovia Quarta, Asia Argento, Hyoudou Issei,
Koneko Toujo, Akeno Himejima, Yuuto Kiba.
Highschool DxD has a very well-paced story. If you think that all the terms I used above such as the Evil Pieces, Sacred Gears and Longinus are rather unclear, the first season of Highschool DxD will explain it for you, though rather briefly. Highschool DxD introduces us to a new world of Devils and Fallen Angels and it takes it time to successfully explain it to the viewer well, while at the same time does not compel us with boring narrative.
Highschool DxD also made a clear cut on their arc, and you can clearly see that it is an end of an arc and a new one is to begin new. While it may be abrupt, it sets a clear mark that a story is over and a new one is about to start. While not creative, it successfully avoid confusion and keeps the flow simple enough for everyone to understand.
The first season is well-paced, and it follows the Light Novel closely. It is enjoyable and not confusing. All the terms are well-explained and it is truly a job well-done. Another proof of this is the fact that they actually insert a filler episode within the anime, yet people who have never read the Light Novel would probably be unaware that it is actually a filler episode because it fits in the story so well.
TNK Studio produces a standard anime. I believe there isn't any particular stand outs in terms of effects. At the very least, they keep the fight scenes clear and it is able to be followed. They also make a well-drawn character. Of course, how could we forget, they make a well-drawn oppai as well.
As for the music, I would say it is iconic of DxD. It clearly defines the anime and honestly, if you encounter it outside somewhere you would probably know that it comes from Highschool DxD.
All in all, it is pretty standard in terms of effects. There was no stand-outs like Ufotable's Fate but at the same time it wasn't haphazard as well. So I really have nothing much to say.
As I said previously in my general review, there is a one-sided emotion in Highschool DxD. The scenes that involves nudity will definitely make your heart beat faster out of fear that someone might barge in and witnessed the shameless show you are watching right now, but it means that they are not afraid to do 'it'. Other scenes that involves the fights can be really exhilarating and refreshing. Fun scenes can be really amusing as well.
However, perhaps once again due to the nature of the genre, I am not feeling any emotions on scenes that are meant emotional. Here I am talking about the moment when Asia died for instance. When Asia died, Ise's emotions overwhelmed me in the Light Novel, but it does not occur in the anime. Scenes that are meant to be seriously painful were given flashes of Asia's breast right on your face which kind of defeats the purpose.
Another scene in particular would be when Rias cried begging Ise to stop when he fought Raiser in the rating game. By that time Ise has lost consciousness, and Rias was crying. I don't feel Rias's pain at all, and once again it was the contrary in the Light Novel. In the Light Novel, the texts were written in Rias's perspectives which may be a reason why I can connect more to the moment compared to the one in the anime.
What I am saying is, these sad moments are actually doable, and it can be made really emotional as proven to the same scenes written in the Light Novels. Yet, there is that absence in the anime causing some imbalance in the emotion you feel, especially when these moments are specially dedicated to these certain emotions.
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